Asso Tecno Service
Six-yearly ATP
testing station
Asso Tecno Service tests vehicles set up for the transportation of perishable foodstuffs in compliance with ATP regulations in high-tech isothermal tunnels; it verifies the heat transmission coefficient K of the isothermal cell, providing real-time monitoring of the entire executive process.
Asso Tecno Service tests vehicles set up for the transportation of perishable foodstuffs and subjects them to isothermal efficiency trials. We carry out six-yearly ATP testing in special latest-generation isothermal tunnels in accordance with the international ATP (Accord relatif aux transports internationaux de denrées périssables et aux engins spéciaux à utiliser pour ces transports) regulation.
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success
From the first moment of contact, we optimise the booking and testing process times. You are always the priority; we can offer you a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week service.